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Core Competencies original illustration in pen and ink and watercolour by Rosie Brooks

Core Competencies original illustration in pen and ink and watercolour by Rosie Brooks

Regular price £100.00 GBP
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Core competencies are the unique strengths or abilities that set a company or organization apart from its competitors and enable it to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in the market. Core competencies can include a range of skills, knowledge, and resources that are essential to the organization's success and are difficult for competitors to replicate.

Examples of core competencies might include:

  1. Technical expertise: A software company's core competency might be its expertise in developing complex algorithms or programming languages.

  2. Customer service: A retail company's core competency might be its ability to provide exceptional customer service and create a personalized shopping experience for each customer.

  3. Innovation: A technology company's core competency might be its ability to innovate and develop new products or services that disrupt the market.

  4. Branding and marketing: A consumer goods company's core competency might be its ability to create compelling branding and marketing campaigns that resonate with its target audience.

  5. Supply chain management: A manufacturing company's core competency might be its ability to manage a complex supply chain and ensure that products are delivered on time and on budget.

Identifying and leveraging core competencies can help companies differentiate themselves from competitors, increase customer loyalty, and improve profitability over the long term.

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